Monday, December 28, 2009

Journey of the Psalms: Breaker

Psalms 10.

We have all seen it. A situation where wicked and unrighteous men and women are taking whatever they want when they want it. Types of governments, types of classes, types of families... all of these are systems created by mankind that oppress the poor and fatherless, by creating them and neglecting them. There are those who benefit from the systems. There are those who use the benefits they receive to help others. This Psalm is about those who only benefit themselves. The Psalmist has seen over and over again the wicked mocking God and succeeding. He asks what many of us ask when we witness or are oppressed by such situations. Where is justice? Why is God not acting? Why does God hide His face when the wicked oppress, and then boast that God will do nothing? These are honest questions that stem from out belief in who God is. I believe God is just. The Psalmist does too.

The Psalmist also knows a day of reckoning is coming. He knows these men and women will get what they ultimately deserve. The Psalmist wants them to repent. He wants them not to suffer for all eternity. The Psalmist knows how great God is, and how great it will be to be present with Him through eternity. The Psalmist's heart ultimately hurts for the evildoers. The Psalmist wants justice, but also calls for repentance. If the wicked man repents, there is rejoicing in heaven.

I feel the Psalmist's heart. He feels the active injustice the wicked are causing. He feels that if God were to show the wicked who was boss, then they will repent. He wonders why God doesn't show His face. I believe I know why. God calls His people to be His ambassadors. We are to shine His light in our actions. In Corinthians, Paul tells us that we are living letters to the unrighteous. I feel the Psalmist is praying for the souls of the wicked. It's something I haven't really thought. I've heard to love your enemies, but it really didn't hit home until now.

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