This world is evil, corrupt, and godless. The people part of this world are the same way. Naturally, we are evil, corrupt, and unrighteous. Naturally, we strive to get what we want, no matter the cost, obstacles, or people. We are fools, and we have no knowledge of God or His ways, nor can we do good and righteous deeds.
The psalmist lets us know of the world he lives in, which is much like today's world, without a few technological discoveries. People are still evil, corrupt, and godless. This seems to overwhelm the psalmist, but it does not. And it should not overwhelm us. There is good news here.
God is with the righteous. He protects the righteous.
How is this good news if we are naturally evil, corrupted, and unrighteous? None of us can do righteous deeds, so how do we get God with us?
Answer: We don't get God to us. God has to come to us, and He did. From His throne in Zion, the Lord, in the form of a man, Jesus Christ, came to earth. He lived a sinless life. The time came for Jesus to restore His people (the Day of Atonement, Leviticus), and His blood was shed as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. This means that all the evil, corrupt, and unrighteous acts we have been doing from the beginning of time and will do until the end of time have been atoned. After atoning for our sins, Jesus rose from the dead, then ascended back to His throne in Zion.
This ultimate restoration is the hope of the psalmist. Yes, people are bad, but there is hope. Hope in a restored earth, where corruption doesn't exit. Hope in a coming Savior that will redeem His people from the heartaches of this world and its evils. Hope in a place where there is no more sins. This is what Jesus Christ offers: a life forgiven of the sins we have and will have committed. What a relief! What a refuge!
Thnks Nathan